Hi there, my names Troy and im what could be known as a "budding" photographer, i love taking pictures, its something i really enjoy and i guess you could call this my gallery. I will try to update it as often as possible so that you can get a real idea of where i'm coming from. I like photographing people, i just love the expressions you can gety from the face and the emotion that be communicated therough one or several photographs. I like to photograph people that look unhappy or distressed in pictures, call me crazy but i just think it stands out and sais more than a photograph that looks, well... happy. I only really take pictures for my friends and family at the moment, i dont want to do pictures of other people incase i get their hopes up and let them down. I hope that i dont let you down with the photo's i've already taken, Enjoy. By the way, Thats me =)^^^
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