I work hard to bring you this remote message - if you want me to post more, hire me a hit-man. =)
I promise you all as soon as i 'solve' this argument, well war, well abololishon with my mum, i'll be able to post again, but she's 'confiscated' (stolen) MY laptop. And i have nothing else :(
Hi Everyone, i'm Troy and i'm guess what you could call a: 'budding photographer.' I love photography and whether or not you believe it i do all my work that you see here with a little (the worlds worse) point and shoot. At the moment i'm saving up for my DSLR and i plan to get a Sony Alpha A200 - I'm Gonna be the: "Super Sony Kid" hah. My biggest inspiration and idol in photography is Ann, check the 'My Inspiration' section bellow for her blog. Some of the pictures here are taken by myself and some are taken by others in which i have put my editing skills to good use, editing images is something i really enjoy, many say that i 'over-edit' my pictures and in many senses i agree with them, but it's just the way i work. Please leave comments on everything you like or don't like, if you love it say why, if you hate it say why and what you think i can do to make it better. Thanks for dropping by, it means alot. =) For those of you who are regular passers by and have a photography blog of your own, when i see your comment i'll check out your work if i like (chances are that i will,) i'll add you to the great photographers section below =). Anyways i've done enough talkin, have fun browsing.
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